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The Importance of Saving

Saving money is hard. Once you start earning money, it’s tempting to spend your paycheck on things you want and need. Spending doesn’t always equate to being irresponsible, either – there are plenty of ongoing expenses you need to take care of throughout the month. Rent, groceries, and the occasional impulse purchase are all valid reasons to spend money. The challenges of budgeting makes it hard to save. So why should you prioritize saving your money



What is the Rule of 4% When Investing?

You’ve prepared for your retirement throughout your life: you’ve maximized your contributions to your retirement accounts,

flying a drone

Can you make a bank account under 18? How?

Nowadays, more and more children and teens are understanding the importance of responsible money management…


When Should I Start Saving for Retirement?

For many, retirement is decades and decades away. Even for people who have been working for years, retirement is often a distant thought – we prioritize other things, such as saving up for …



Should I Take Out Student Loans?

The college application process is both exciting and overwhelming. When choosing which schools you want to apply to, you have a lot to take into consideration…

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How to get your student loans forgiven

Student loans give millions of students across the US the opportunity to go to a college or university and complete their higher education degrees every year. This can provide significant…


How long do you have to pay student loans before they are forgiven?

When you are deciding to pursue higher education, chances are, you have had to consider…

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We Help You Create Strategies For Minimizing Financial Risk & Building Long Term Wealth

SmartMoneyRichYou is here to empower individuals with much needed financial knowledge for a brighter future

Providing Professional Guidance & Expert Advice On Investing, Managing Your Assets, & Personal Finance

Providing Professional Guidance & Expert Advice On Investing, Managing Your Assets, & Personal Finance

Long gone are the days of wondering and worrying about finances – now you can be in control with smart investments, budget saving strategies, tax information and much more!

Get High Quality Financial Education Resources To Help You Maximize Your Goals & Achieve Financial Security

Get High Quality Financial Education Resources To Help You Maximize Your Goals & Achieve Financial Security

Stay tuned to stay ahead and start chasing your dreams one article at a time.

25 Finance and Money Stats that will Shock You!

Let’s face it; many people usually don’t know much about finances. At least in-depth. That’s not to say; people are unaware of what to do with money; of course, they do. In light of these unprecedented times, people face many obstacles regarding housing, finance, and work-related stress.

Reluctantly, more people are trying to become responsible during the lockdown, so here are 25…

Saving money is hard. Once you start earning money, it’s tempting to spend your paycheck on things you want and need. Spending doesn’t always equate to being irresponsible, either – there are plenty of ongoing expenses you need to take care of throughout the month. Rent, groceries, and the occasional impulse purchase are all valid reasons to spend money. This makes it hard to save. Teaching you how to get the most out of your money and why should you prioritize saving your money


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What Jobs Pay the Most Money

As you go through school, a lot of industries and careers may sound appealing to you. As you get older, you’ll likely choose your future career based on a number of things: your personal…


20 Jobs That Earn Over $75,000 That Don’t Need a College Degree

Many people typically associate high-paying jobs with a college degree. There’s some truth to this – there are many high-paying jobs that do require some kind of college degree. However, you certainly do not…


Part-time jobs that pay more than minimum wage

Finding a job requires a lot of thought around your unique career goals, expectations and abilities. When applying for a part-time job, there are a lot of details to take into consideration. Does the job fit into my schedule? Is there a long commute involved? Do …

More posts by SmartMoneyRichYou


How to read a bank statement

Whether you have a checking or savings account, you can guarantee you will receive a bank statement. Statements are provided either via mail or online, depending on your bank and your individual preferences….


Why is budgeting important

When it comes to security, budgeting for yourself can provide a sense of confidence regarding your spending habits. You can learn how to budget at any age – as soon as you start receiving and spending money, it is a good idea to think about budgeting…


How to balance a checkbook

Nowadays, most people have online banking to help them evaluate their checking account balance. From a basic standpoint, this may be all you need when trying to get a fast ideal of how much money is available in your account.

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